Ultrasonic Leak Detection Services Ltd. - specialists in Compressed Air & Vacuum leak surveys.

"About 10% of industrial electricity consumption is used in powering compressed air systems which are safe, reliable and versatile. They are often taken for granted workhorses that plod through the day without much worry, for a cost that generally you don't think about. However, taking a good look at your systems performance can produce surprising economies. A compressed air system that has minimal leaks and is energy efficient could save your company thousands of dollars per year". - Australian Energy Commission Report.

If you use compressed air at your facility, you will likely have air leaks in your system that are wasting electricity and costing you money. By reducing leaks in compressed air systems, not only can you save money, but you may extend the life of your equipment and quite possibly increase your productivity.

The problem lies in detecting just exactly where in your system air leakage is occurring. That’s where ULDS Ltd along with the use of an ultrasonic leak detector can help.

Background Information:
Ultrasonic Leak Detection provides a non-invasive predictive maintenance service to industry. All operating equipment and most leakage problems produce a broad range of sound. Ultrasonic inspection systems respond to the in-audible, or ultrasonic elements of these acoustic emissions. The ultrasonic sound being monitored are sound waves that occur in the 20 to 100 KHz range. The average threshold of human perception is about 17 KHz, making it impossible for early detection of a developing problem without the competent use of an ultraprobe.

The first step in reducing operating costs and demand on compressors is to perform a Compressed Air System Leak Survey. A simple program of leak detection and repair can go a long way towards reducing excessive energy costs. It has been found that typically 20 - 30% of compressed air produced on site is lost through leaks, however, a proactive leak detection and repair program can reduce leaks to less than 10% of compressor output.

In addition to being a source of wasted energy, leaks can also contribute to other operating problems, including:

Although leaks can occur in any part of the system, the most common problem areas are:

ULDS Ltd. - "helping industry conserve energy."